Julex offers a suite of global asset allocation solutions designed to provide targeted levels of risk and returns. For these products we allocate appropriate combinations of core asset classes ETFs plus Julex tactical ETF strategies into mixes supporting Dynamic Defensive, Dynamic Conservative, Dynamic Moderate, or Dynamic Aggressive “all-in-one” investment solutions.
A dynamic asset allocation strategy designed to provide enhanced return, reduced volatility, and reduced peak-to-trough drawdown compared to naïve buy-and-hold strategies. The portfolio has a long term strategic risk target comparable with a portfolio of 80% equity and 20% fixed income. The strategy may be appropriate for investors who have a high tolerance for risk and the ability to absorb loss of capital. The portfolio normally holds 12-50 liquid ETFs/ETNs.
A dynamic asset allocation strategy designed to provide enhanced return, reduced volatility, and reduced peak-to-trough drawdown compared to naïve buy-and-hold strategies. The portfolio has a long term strategic risk target comparable with a portfolio of 60% equity and 40% fixed income. The strategy may be appropriate for investors who have a moderate tolerance for risk and a time frame greater than five years. Normally, the portfolio holds 12 to 50 liquid ETFs/ETNs.
A dynamic asset allocation strategy designed to provide enhanced return, reduced volatility, and reduced peak-to-trough drawdown compared to naïve buy-and-hold strategies. The portfolio has a long term strategic risk target comparable with a portfolio of 40% equity and 60% fixed income. The strategy may be appropriate for investors who have a low tolerance for risk and a time horizon of less than five years. The portfolio typically holds 12 to 50 ETFs/ETNs.
A dynamic asset allocation strategy designed to provide enhanced return, reduced volatility, and reduced peak-to-trough drawdown compared to naïve buy-and-hold strategies. The portfolio has a long term strategic risk target comparable with a portfolio of 20% equity and 80% fixed income. The strategy may be appropriate for investors who have a low tolerance for risk. The portfolio typically holds 12-50 ETFs/ETNs.